The next phase for Genicap’s Ecosystem: 2. Biotech

The next phase for Genicap’s Ecosystem: 2. Biotech

Discovery in biology and applications in biotech are among the major business opportunities in the 21st century. However, with the knowledge of the Gielis Formula, whereby shape is encoded into one extremely compact Pythagorean structure, the gold mine of data generated in biotechnology can and will yield many unexpected structures. We has shown that complex structures like annual tree rings or shapes of plants can be described in extremely compact and efficient ways. A range of other organs and organisms can be modelled with the Gielis formula, ranging from bacteria and diatoms, to organs of our body.

Gielis formula for shape description and efficient treatments

In the Generalized Gielis Formula 3D extremely complex structures can be reduced to very simple structure. One example is the heart, which can be considered as a simpleclosed loop Gielis structure, with a Möbius twists. The overall structure can be modelled efficiently by a 3D supershape. Shapes of Gielis Formula have been applied also in the search for more efficient treatments of cancer1 (Figure 3) or in the development of stents for heart. This can lead to a wide variety of applications in treatments of heart and lung diseases.

Figure 3: shape determines efficiency of heat treatment

Gielis Formula in modeling of molecules and drug discovery.

There is also a lot of room for improvement in modelling of molecules, esp. organic molecules. Many molecules, such as RNA and DNA have a simple structure when viewed from the perspective of Gielis Formula. This is an open field where much of the problems encountered in computations. This may also lead to improved computational models for drug discovery, either by improved modelling of molecules and a better understanding of their function, or by improved methods for data analysis and data mining.

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